Celebrating 24 Years of Leadership!


Due to a sudden, very serious, and unexpected health issue, after 24 years AviSys is closing effective August 1.

*** REFUNDS: All customers who purchased AviSys 6, AviSys 6 Upgrade, or the Nation Checklist Add-On within the last 120 days (April 1, 2015 - July 31, 2015) have automatically received refunds as of August 6, 2015. They will be able to continue using the products, of course.

*** 2015 TAXONOMY UPDATE: Depending on circumstances here, we will attempt to provide the 2015 Cornell/Clements Taxonomy Update expected in August. That schedule will depend on Cornell's schedule and the circumstances here. (Cornell has already published a draft.)

*** TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Support activity has been 90%+ in just a few categories over the last few years. Depending on circumstances here, a comprehensive Troubleshooting web page will be available for some timesee below. Support, then, will be via that web page rather than phone or email. "Handholding" will not be available but, frankly, solutions to the vast majority of issues can be taken care of by any reasonably capable user, or a helper for that user.

*** OLDER TAXONOMY and PROGRAM UPDATES: The 2014 Taxonomy update, and the most recent updates, as well as the Version 6.00M update for Version 6 users, will continue to be available on this web site for some timesee below. We recommend that users take advantage of them promptly.

*** NATION CHECKLISTS: Annual updates to the Nation Checklist Add-On (BirdArea) can be obtained from the author. Contact her by Email at shawneenfinnegan@gmail.com

*** AVISYS 4 and 5: The upgrade from Versions 4 and 5 to Version 6 will no longer be available. That upgrade has been available for nine years, and all users of those versions, which are up to 19 years old, have had the opportunity to upgrade at a very reasonable price, which included a new User's Guide. While 4 and 5 will not run on Windows 7, 8 or 10 directly, the users still have the opportunity to run those products using the Microsoft facility "Windows XP Mode" in Windows 7 (we do not know the status of that facility for Windows 10.) We always recommend Windows 7 except in those cases where the user needs touch or Windows Mobile capability.

*** FUTURE CORNELL TAXONOMY UPDATES: Depending on circumstances here, we would like to provide a facility with which one or more AviSys users could create an update, equivalent to that which we have provided annually free of charge over the last ten years, which could be distributed freely on such facilities as DropBox. That, of course, would depend on Cornell releasing the updates in a spreadsheet format at least similar to that which they have been releasing in the past.

*** TRANSITION TO eBIRD: Although AviSys will remain as powerful and useful as ever for some time, especially as I am able to complete annual taxonomy updates, you may find a time when you wish to transition to another facility. AviSys 6.00M has a comprehensive export to eBird that is particularly well-suited to eBird's requirements and numerous options. It would be simple for you to transmit all your sightings to eBird and have a complete starting point. To quote the eBird Project Leader, Brian Sullivan, today, "Many years ago you saw the value in making the connection between AviSys and eBird, and you built a utility that makes it easy for Avisys users to port their data to eBird." If you ever feel it necessary to transition from AviSys, I would encourage you to do so to eBird.

("Depending on circumstances here" as stated above means precisely that. There are no promises . . . just my intent to do the best I can under current circumstances to provide additional support to the many thousands of AviSys users. Yes, you may read between the lines.)

This announcement is totally unrelated to the recent BirdBase/BirdArea announcement.


UPDATE TO 6.00M for Version 6 users only (check Help | About first to see if you need it): HERE


There is not a more beautiful group of people than birders. Over the last 24 years, I have been honored and privileged to provide service to thousands of birders.


Just a Small Sample of Recent Customer Email Comments
*** "Imagine that, a company that makes customer service a priority."
"I've been using AviSys since 1993, and I would like to tell you that AviSys changed my life!"
*** "As in the past many years of using AviSys, I am still amazed at how smooth and intuitive this software is."
*** "Your extended support for AviSys users is exemplary, and very much appreciated!
*** "Just wanted to let you know that I still enjoy AviSys and think your software is the greatest - even after years of use."
*** "Thanks for the incredible work you do."
"It is so user friendly, even a computer idiot like me can use it."
*** "Thank you for an excellent product and exceptional support."
"AviSys is great software and has added another dimension to birding"
*** "Loving this program on my Mac!!!"
"I’m a big fan of your software and your great commitment to ongoing customer service."
*** "I love your program compared to other bird record systems I tried."
*** "I have to say that AviSys is just part of my life!!"
*** "The flexibility of your program is absolutely great!"
*** "The customer support you provide is beyond comparison."
*** "I've been very pleased with AviSys and your courtesy since day 1."
*** "Thanks for producing such a great product that is so easy to use!"
*** "Thanks for continuing to include a real User Guide."
*** "Thanks for providing such a wonderful birding tool."
*** "AviSys STILL rules! And it does so much that eBird doesn't. Thanks for this fantastic tool."
*** "Just keep up the good work. This program has done so much for birding."
"I really appreciate what a powerful tool AviSys is."
*** "Windows 8 hasn't accepted everything, but it does like AviSys Version 6."
*** "As always, AviSys reigns supreme"
"I remain a BIG fan of AviSys. Thanks for all you do for us."

Image: White-breasted Nuthatch, Cascade Mountains, WA, south of Leavenworth, © 2014 Jerry Blinn (Nikon D800, 200-400 f4).