Downloading an AviSys stream file

The download page displays each eBird location that is in your input.

If the corresponding AviSys place has a different name, you can enter the correct place name here. You must enter a name that precisely matches one of your AviSys places. For each place you must also specify whether it is an AviSys “Site”, “City”, “County”, “State”, or “Nation”. This is because you could easily have, say, a city, county, and state place with the same name, and AviSys needs to know which one to use.

If you have some information, maybe AviSys attribute codes or keywords, that you want inserted at the beginning of each comment for a location, enter it as the “Global comment”.

When you are ready, click “Download” and your stream file will be downloaded immediately.

There are two possible kinds of download, depending on what kind of comments are in your checklist. If your eBird checklist has species comments, up to 80 characters of each comment will be entered in an AviSys comment. If any comment is longer than 80 characters, it will be entered in an AviSys field note, up to the AviSys limit of 60 lines.

If your checklist generates no AviSys field notes, only the AviSys stream file will be downloaded, and it will be downloaded directly. The file will have a .str extension. Save this file on your computer; do not attempt to open it in your browser—it won't work.

If you have AviSys field notes, you will still get a .str file but the field notes will be in a second file with a .fnr extension. Because there are two files, they are downloaded together in a .zip file. You can either save the .zip file to your computer, or open it in your browser, but either way you need to unzip the two files and save them to your computer. When you tell AviSys to process the .str file, it will automatically also process the .fnr file that has the same filename.

Read the tutorial on using AviSys stream files to import data if you are not familiar with the process.