Downloading an AviSys stream file

The download page displays each eBird location that is in your input. If the corresponding AviSys place has a different name, you can enter the correct place name here. You must enter a name that precisely matches one of your AviSys places. For each place you must also specify whether it is an AviSys “Site”, “City”, “County”, “State”, or “Nation”. This is because you could easily have, say, a city, county, and state place with the same name, and AviSys needs to know which one to use. Also, you need to enter the two-letter country code, e.g., “US” for United States. International birders take note: The “Country code” is automatically pre-filled as “US”, meaning “United States”. If your observations are from a different country, you must change US to the correct two-letter country code; you must use the code that AviSys uses. See “More about country codes” below.

If you have some information, maybe AviSys attribute codes or keywords, that you want inserted at the beginning of each comment for a location, enter it as the “Global comment”.

When you are ready, click “Do it!” and your stream file will be downloaded immediately.

There are two possible kinds of download, depending on what kind of comments are in your checklist. If your eBird checklist has species comments, up to 80 characters of each comment will be entered in an AviSys comment. If any comment is longer than 80 characters, it will be entered in an AviSys field note, up to the AviSys limit of 60 lines.

If your checklist generates no AviSys field notes, only the AviSys stream file will be downloaded, and it will be downloaded directly. The file will have a .str extension. Save this file on your computer; do not attempt to open it in your browser—it won't work.

If you have AviSys field notes, you will still get a .str file but the field notes will be in a second file with a .fnr extension. Because there are two files, they are downloaded together in a .zip file. You can either save the .zip file to your computer, or open it in your browser, but either way you need to unzip the two files and save them to your computer. When you tell AviSys to process the .str file, it will automatically also process the .fnr file that has the same filename.

The server deletes your uploaded file after reading it, so if you get an error on this page, you will need to upload it again.

Read the tutorial on using AviSys stream files to import data if you are not familiar with the process.

More about country codes

If you are not sure what the correct country code is for a Place, do “List Records” for some species that you have seen in that country. The two-letter country code is displayed just to the left of the date.

Special case: If you have observations from Alaska or Hawaii, please enter a country code of AK for Alaska or HI for Hawaii. This will allow your data to be correctly classified for the purpose of running reports for the continent-level places North America, [ABA Area], [Lower 48], [US], [AOU], [Oceanic] and Pacific Ocean. After this classification is made, the application will change the country code to US before writing the output file.

If you have data with erroneous country codes, AviSys will not produce correct reports by country or continent, although reports by state, county, city, or site will work OK.

If you discover that you have entered data with an incorrect country code, here is how to fix it. First, under the Utilities menu, click “Certify Data Set Quality”. Click “OK” for the first few prompts. Then, when it prompts you “Would you now like to scan your sightings for proper Nation/Continent codes?” click “Yes” and then “Start”. This process will fix any incorrect country codes.