AviSys Nation Checklist Add-On
Thanks to a lot of work by Larry Cowan, a current Nation Checklist Add-On is now available. This file is updated as of December 14, 2024. This is now a free download that can be used by anybody; you do not need to have previously purchased the Add-On.
Important! As of December 18, 2024, the download now delivers two files, not one, with different destinations. Therefore it is packaged differently, it is no longer a ZIP file. Instead it is packaged just like the taxonomy update; as an executable file AviSys Nation Checklist Add-On.exe. After downloading the file, double-click it to run it, answer a couple basic prompts, (and restart AviSys if you already have it running) and you're done! The downside of this simpler delivery method is that you may encounter the same problems with anti-virus that can be seen with the taxonomy update. To lessen the pain, be sure to check “Unblock” in the security section of the properties window as shown here at the right BEFORE running the program.
Download AviSys Nation Checklist Add-On.exe
If you have not previously had the Add-On installed, the one visible difference that you will observe is that the button that used to be labeled “StateCL” will now be labeled “Range”. When you click the Range button while in N.A. Mode, the same State Checklist Status window opens, but its “Nations” button will be clickable. Clicking the Nations button will display the nations in which the selected species occurs. Unlike the states list, this nations list is not editable. When you click the Range button while in World mode, it launches directly into the Nations window instead of the State Checklist Status window.
With RANGES.LST installed, you will be able to create a checklist for any nation (although note that AviSys is locked into identifying nations by old names, some of which are obsolete—this cannot be fixed). To add a checklist for a nation, open the Checklists menu, click Add, then click Add again on the next dialog, then select the nation that you want and click OK, and then click OK again.
If you should ever decide that you don't want the Add-On installed, simply delete RANGES.LST from your data folder.
See World-Wide Nation Checklist Add-On for the old documentation.
Important note about updating
If you already have any nation checklists created from an older RANGES.LST file, installing the new RANGES.LST will not update them. After installing a new RANGES.LST, you must remove every nation checklist and then add them back in order to pick up the changes from the new RANGES.LST.