This document assumes that you have installed the 2019 update. Moreover, it also requires that you have installed the Nation Checklist Add-On.
AviSys has never had an ABA mode per se. Its N.A. mode was effectively ABA mode, but that is no longer true for the enlarged ABA area; N.A. mode remains North American.
AviSys does have a reporting area named [ABA area] in the Continents table, but it is impossible to change the definition of this area; it is permanently set to the traditional ABA area including only the continental United States, Canada, and St. Pierre and Miquelon.
To implement a way of viewing or reporting on sightings according to the new ABA area, you will need to use the AviSys Z-LIST facility. If you haven't used a Z-LIST before, or need to refresh your memory, begin by reading the Z-LIST help file. Key points are:
A couple of other things that are worth mentioning: AviSys has three different ways of defining parts of the United States, as noted in the checklist menu help file.
Also, AviSys has two different ways of identifying Hawaii: the State "Hawaii" and the Nation "US-Hawaii". Here's the significance of these quirks: First, you cannot include the special "[xxx]" continents in a Z-LIST, so you cannot use "[US]" or "[ABA area]" in your Z-LIST, you have to use the Nation "United States" plus Hawaii. Second, if you want to use the Z-LIST for a custom checklist, it cannot contain a mixture of nations and states, it has to be all one or the other. For this reason, AviSys provides the Nation "US-Hawaii" which you must use rather than the State Hawaii in order for the Z-LIST to be only a list of "Nations"..
To create a checklist from the Z-LIST, click on Checklists in the top menu, then click the Add button. Find Z-LIST in your Places (by default, it will be in the Counties table) and select it. You'll get a message "This checklist NOT auto-loaded. Use the Mark button to put species in it." Completely ignore this message; just click OK and don't do any marking.
Now, to use the checklist, click on Checklists and make sure that Z-LIST is highlighted in your list of checklists and then click the Invoke button. This will bring up the Places Z-LIST window. If it comes up blank, or with a different Z-LIST than you want, click the Load button and select the saved ABA Z-LIST to load it. Click OK, and there you have your new ABA checklist.
To run a report using the Z-LIST as the Place, find the place named Z-LIST in your Places (by default, it will be in the Counties table) and open it. If it comes up blank, or with a different Z-LIST than you want, click the Load button and select the saved ABA Z-LIST to load it.
Important note: the Z-LIST uses checklists from the Nation Checklist Add-On instead of the built-in state checklists, and the Nation Checklist Add-On checklist includes five species that are not on the ABA list. Thus, while the ABA list has 1111 species, your Z-LIST will have 1116 species. The additional species are:
Mexican Duck | Split by Clements but lumped with Mallard by ABA |
Red Warbler | |
Blue Rock-Thrush | not accepted by ABA due to questions of provenance |
Crested Myna | removed from ABA list because extirpated, but countable if you saw it |
Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater |