AviSys 6—Superior Birding Software

Jerry Blinn closed AviSys in August 2015 and passed away in November 2015 without leaving any provision for continuity of AviSys. Ownership of his website, avisys.net, expired and it is no longer in operation. I have preserved relevant pages from the website here, with some additional material, including annual Clements taxonomic updates for 2016–2023.

Visit AviSys Birding Software on Facebook.

These are the additional materials that are provided here:

2023 taxonomy update
Last updated: 28 October 2023

2024 Nation Checklist Add-On
Last updated: 6 July 2024

AviSys help files


eBird export to AviSys tool

AviSys export to eBird, etc. tool
Last updated: 21 September 2021

Updated eBirdLocs.avi
Last updated: December 2018

In case you would like to make your own taxonomic updates, I have preserved Jerry's EditMaster program here.

Download EditMaster

EditMaster Documentation

Here are some additional documents that may be of interest.

Questions or comments?